Hike to Help 30K on North Sea Coastline

zondag 27 februari 2022 09:15-17:00, North Sea coastline
Sprekers: This full-day, intermediate hike will take advantage of the empty North Sea coast to beach-comb. It will be led by Wessel Kooyman of Expat Hiking Brussels Meet-up Group. Maximum 30 people. 15 EUR/person. Please pre-pay to IBAN: BE65 4370 1829 0396. All proceeds will go to Serve the City. Adults only.
  • Angela Dansby
  • Teg Malla

This full-day, intermediate hike will take advantage of the empty North Sea coast to beach-comb. It will be led by Wessel Kooyman of Expat Hiking Brussels Meet-up Group. Maximum 30 people. 15 EUR/person. Please pre-pay to IBAN: BE65 4370 1829 0396. All proceeds will go to Serve the City. Adults only.


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